Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pic Collage

This is a great little FREE photo collage app that I found last night and tested with the kiddos today during science. What can you do with a photo collage app, you ask? We made collages of opaque, transparent, and translucent objects today. It was so much fun to see the kids learning the "tricks" of the app and showing one another, not to mention seeing them figure out which items to take pictures of. Here are a few examples of their work:

This was such a fun learning activity, and the app is really simple to use. When students open it, this screen appears:

The stickers, text, and background options were pretty popular with my kiddos. Items on the page can be turned and sized using the standard pinching gestures. Once finished, students emailed their collages to our class email account. I can't wait to use this again soon! Some ideas I have are to make collages of:
  • real life examples of planes (we're starting geometry soon)
  • acute, obtuse, and right angles around our school
  • items that are insulators
  • items that are conductors
  • equivalent forms of money ($1.00 shown in several different ways)
Have you ever used this app or one like it in your class? Please comment and share an idea!


  1. What do the kids use to take the photos???? I love your idea!!!

  2. This is just what I needed for Geometry! I can't wait to try this out with my students. I am going to have the students use an ipad to take pictures.
