Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Guided Math Chapter 3

I'm loving this book study! It sure is nice to share ideas and collaborate with all of my bloggy friends! I have to say chapter 3 has been my favorite so far.It's about the nuts and bolts of using math warm ups. I was so excited about implementing these that I made a flipchart and a powerpoint with daily math stretches. (See this post if you're interested). Here are my take-aways from chapter 3:

  • "Participating in a variety of brief mathematical activities...leads students to make subtle shifts into the world of mathematical awareness and learning." (p. 68) LOVE this statement! So true!
  • I can't wait to implement the math stretches, but I worry that my morning to do list will be too long...I need to rethink our morning procedures and decide if I want to do the math stretches in the morning or at another time during the day.
  • I couldn't agree more with the text on page 82 about making math connections. It relates the reading strategy of making text to self, text to text, and text to world connections to math. The math connections are math to self (How did my family use math last night?), math to world (use current events), and math to math. I envision creating an anchor chart with the kiddos when we learn about these. 
  • Calendar Board: Again, I need to incorporate this into my math instruction next year. I'm a little rusty on it, since I've not done it since I taught 3rd grade 5 years ago. I've been blog-stalking and have gotten some great ideas! I watched this great video by Stephanie at Teaching in Room 6. She has lots of great ideas for calendar in the upper grades. Here's another video I found on YouTube of a 4th grade Every Day Counts calendar lesson. I also thought I'd get a copy of our old Saxon Math 3rd grade teacher's manual which has some pretty good ideas for calendar math. I don't have to use them all...I think the think I'm going to have to keep in mind is that it should be short (15 minutes). 
I'd love to hear your take on Guided Math so far! If you'd like to get into more of the conversation, check out these posts from our hosts for the first three chapters:
Chapter 1: Primary Inspired


  1. I am really enjoying the book and trying to figure out how to make the elements work in my 7th grade classroom.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I feel the same way about too many great ideas for math stretches and not enough time. I may put them into the daily centers. Some are just too great and would be a shame not to include them. :)

    Love the flip chart and PPs!

    Thank you for sharing.
    On The Road To Success
