Monday, June 11, 2012

Guided Math Book Study

Have you heard about the Guided Math book study? I'm linking up with Brenda, over at Primary Inspired to read, discuss, and share our ideas as we read the book. I've already read it once, but I'm really excited to go through it with other people. I can't wait to see what others have to say as we read!

Thoughts and Questions I had while reading Chapter 1:

  •  On page 16 she writes, "Lack of conceptual understanding handicaps many students as they face more difficult math challenges in the upper grades." Can I just add a few exclamation points to the end of that statement?!!!!! As a 4th grade teacher, I see this all the time. For example, more and more students each year are unable to calculate elapsed time. Why? They don't know how to read the clock...or even which hand is which! I'm hoping to find some great ideas for building their conceptual understanding as we go through this book.
  • Exactly what is an "environment of numeracy" (pg 19)? Is that like a print-rich classroom, only math-rich? What all does the term "numeracy" include?
  • I love, love, LOVE the Number of the Day Chart idea for Morning Math Warm-ups. I think it really stretches the kiddos' thinking! I actually incorporated that a little this past year, but only a few times. I definitely want to do this as a routine. 
  • Individual Conferences: While I love to conference with my kiddos, I worry that I won't make time for it as much as I should. I'm really going to try and implement this next year and might even create a Google Form like I did for reading conferences to keep track of everything. 
  • Probably my favorite take from this chapter is on the bottom of page 24: "It is often easier for teachers to begin with a few of the components and gradually add more." I really need to remember this. I'm one of those that tends to jump in head first and try to do it all! 
Want to join in? Stop by Primary Inspired and see what others have to say!


  1. Do you not have an established math curriculum? I teach fourth, and we Everyday Math (University of Chicago), so this seems like a lot to add on to an already rich program.

  2. Hi Ellen,
    Our district just purchased Go Math. I'm not sure what I will be able to incorporate from Guided Math, but I'm hoping I'll at least be able to do some of the math stretches. We haven't had any PD on the new program yet. I kind of look at Guided Math as more of a structure for organizing the math block. I like the idea of it and hope I can use it, but I'll know more once we have our Go Math PD. Thanks for the comment!

  3. I'm with you! I think the individual conferencing is going to be the biggest challenge for me. I really, really appreciate that Sammons suggests starting with just a few components and adding as we go. I hate to admit it, but conferencing is going to be one of them.
    On the other hand...who knows? I don't have any problems conferencing in writing or reading....maybe math will come as easily.
    Thanks for linking up! I'm excited for Chapter 2!

  4. I agree with you as well, individual conferencing is going to be a huge challenge for me as well. I plan on taking things one step at a time.

    theverybusykindergarten :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I am right there with you. I also question what this math-rich environment looks like and exactly what numeracy includes. I enjoyed reading your post.

  7. Oh I LOVE guided math, and was excited to see you link up! I've been doing guided math for 2 years now, and as far as conferencing, I do small group conferencing. Sometimes I will one on one within a small group, or do a quick one on one check when my small group is working on something. Sort of think guided reading, but with math? As far as math-rich, something different I did was have a math word wall. I also have a math book box in my library, as well as a corner for math stations/games that students can engage in when they are done with other work. Laney Sammons also wrote another awesome book that links reading strategies with math. I believe that would be a big help in creating a math rich environment! :)

    Ms. Wilkie's Second Grade Class

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