Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Concrete Poetry

You just never know what kids are going to write. Yesterday I introduced concrete (shape) poetry to my kiddos and showed them a few examples. They jotted down a list of ideas for writing their own poem later. Fast forward to today--Writing time: "When you finish your grammar, you may write about whatever you like. Work on concrete poems, or any other type of writing." Ten minutes later, Jacie comes up to me with this! Now, I know there isn't one bit of punctuation on here, but I'm chalking it up to poetic license. The message is really great:  

It says:
Be strong, bold, smart, and powerful. Be like a wave. Rush to someone in need. Soar over problems. Burst into greatness. Learn your strengths. Be new all the time. Never look back. Keep going forward and never stop. Be like a wave and never stop till you get where you're going.

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome poem!! Thanks for sharing the link! :-)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
