Sunday, January 15, 2012

Comments (Finally) Numbered!

Well, after two nights of frustrated vents to my poor, patient husband, and about a gazillion attempts, I FINALLY got my comments numbered! Check out my friend Cara's post My Comments Are Numbered over at Teaching My Calling for some great instructions. Ironically, she and I were both trying to puzzle this very thing out at the same time and neither one knew the other was trying to do it! She has some great screen shots and step by step instructions. Also ironically, I actually did have the comments numbered----3 ways----and didn't know it because my big mistake was not clicking on the post's title to check.

So, once you've gone through the process be sure to click the title of your post. Do not simply refresh your screen like I kept doing. Do not simply click on the comments link. Good luck to you! 

I hope it is easier for you than for Cara and me!

1 comment:

  1. I'm just happy we both figured it out! Do you see a #1 by my comment? :)

